Beginning on April 6, 2015, JobTrain will offer a free 4-month Coding Class designed to give students practical, real world skills to help prepare them for entry-level jobs in the technology sector. JobTrain is a local nonprofit job training and placement center with extensive experience serving a diverse and dynamic population and works closely with technology companies throughout the Bay Area to ensure that program content matches employer needs.
The class will include a mixture of lecture, class discussion, special projects, and guest speakers. Students will also complete a portfolio that they can use to show potential employers what they have learned. The curriculum will include: Introduction to Computer Science, Fundamentals of HTML, Introduction to CSS, Introduction to JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails.
This will be a full-time, 16-week course and includes JobTrain’s Essential Skills classes which cover such topics as problem solving, customer service, budgeting, and goal setting. JobTrain’s comprehensive “whole person” approach to student success, also includes counseling, supportive services, and job placement. This course will cover content from several Cañada College courses and students will receive college credits and start a transcript, providing them with a pathway to further educational opportunities.
For more information about this class, please call Lacey Padgett at (650) 330-6418 or email: